Potatoes: veggies or useless gift of nature?
In our time, when the potatoes a bad reputation as unhealthy junk foods and vegetables that contain vitamins, I have to stand on his defense, because it simply is not true.None of the vegetables is not as versatile as a humble potato. Equally fine in boiled, baked or roasted form, potatoes rarely gets the praise it deserves.We forget that these humble foods play an important role in the history of mankind. A lot of times saved the people from starvation during the war or in areas of poor weather conditions.In many countries, the potato is favored population growth and economic development.Potatoes were first started to breed Indians from Peru more than 4000 years.From America to Europe in the late 16th century it was brought by Sir Francis Drake - maritime explorer and military leader.The name comes from the Bavarian potato Gruntbir words - "pear from the earth."English name of the potato comes from the American-Indian word "batata".
11 facts you did not know about the potato
First Potato is an ecologically pure foodstuffs. Potato is grown easily and cheaply.For its cultivation did not need fertilizer or pesticides (although many farmers still use).Second Potatoes are good for health provided that it does not eat the fried form.Third Potato is perfect for growing crops in poor countries. This cheap and nutritious food to grow even in poor weather conditions.4th Potato is the first food that is grown successfully in space.5th By the amount of phenolic compounds in potatoes can compete with broccoli, spinach and broccoli. Flavonoids containing potato protect against cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and cancer.6th English researchers have found in potato special ingredient - kukoamin - which protects against high blood pressure.7th 2008 is declared Year of the potato. The UN believes that the future of food is potatoes, which could suppress hunger in the world.8th There are over 1000 varieties of potatoes. Potato is the fourth most grown crops in the world. These ingredients are now used in every part of the world.9th Europeans consume twice as many potatoes than Americans.10th During the gold rush in Klondajku potatoes are used as currency. Potatoes were so valued for its high content of vitamin C to have it changed for gold.11th Potato chips from the top-selling snack in the world.
Nutritional characteristics of
Potato is one of the most nutritious plants in the worldpotato has fewer calories than bread, rice and pastaPotatoes contain more potassium than bananasPotatoes contain more usable iron than any other vegetablePotatoes contain complex carbohydrates and healthy fiberPotatoes are a good source of B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus and niacinPotatoes contain no fat and cholesterolfew potatoes cover the daily need of vitamin C
Potatoes are not fattening
Fitness gurus have proclaimed potato food product that is thicker. They argue that because of the high glycemic index and high starch content of potatoes is not suitable for weight loss.But this is not true. Conducted research on the impact of potatoes on body weight. People who are over 6 weeks of daily consumed 7-9 potatoes are not really fat, but mršavjele!This is explained by the fact that potato causes a feeling of fullness while containing relatively few calories. (One potato contains on average 100-120 calories - 2.5 times less than the bread).But if you consume daily fries or chips you'll definitely gain weight, because these foods contain lots of calories because of the large proportion of fat.
French fries is not healthy!
When it comes to healthy potatoes do not think the french fries. French fries is unhealthiest foods on the planet!First French fries contain large amounts of "bad" fats, which increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, obesity and high cholesterol.Second Because frying in oil at high temperature, french fries contain acrylamide - known carcinogen and neurotoxin. It is assumed that only the U.S. acrylamide causes several thousand cases of cancer each year.
Potatoes as a Remedy
Potatoes are used not only as food but as medicine. Several examples of potatoes for the purposes of treatment:lining of boiled potatoes are used in rheumatism, gout, frostbiteWash the potatoes with the juice cures acne, eczema and spots on the facelining of the raw potatoes are used for fevers, burns, headachesrind of cooked potatoes lowers blood pressuregastritis in the 1 tablespoon of the potato juice three times daily before meals
How to make a juice of potatoWash and grate the potatoes, put it in linen cloth and squeeze the juice squeezing. The juice can be prepared in the juicer. Always use freshly prepared juice.
Because of its affordable price, great tasting, nutritious and rich nutrients, potatoes definitely deserves to be put on the list of super foods that are friends of our health.
četvrtak, 22. ožujka 2012.
Krumpir: beskorisno povrće ili dar prirode?
U naše vrijeme, kada je krumpir na lošem glasu kao nezdrava namirnica i bezvrijedno povrće, koje ne sadrže vitamine, moram stati na njegovu obranu, jer to jednostavno nije istina.
Niti jedno povrće nije toliko mnogostrano, kao skroman krumpir. Jednako fin u kuhanom, pečenom ili prženom obliku, krumpir rijetko dobiva pohvale koje zaslužuje.
Zaboravljamo da je ova skromna namirnica igrala važnu ulogu u povijesti čovječanstva. Puno puta spašavala je ljude od gladi tokom rata ili u područjima loših klimatskih uvjeta.
U mnogim zemljama krumpir je pogodovao rastu stanovništva i ekonomskom razvoju.
Krumpir su prvi počeli uzgajati Indijanci iz Perua prije više od 4000 godina. Iz Amerike u Europu krajem 16. stoljeća ga je donio Sir Francis Drake - pomorski istraživač i vojskovođa.
Naziv krumpir potječe od bavarske riječi Gruntbir - "kruška iz zemlje". Engleski naziv potato potječe od američko-indijanske riječi "batata".
11 činjenica koje niste znali o krumpiru
1. Krumpir je ekološki čista namirnica. Uzgajati krumpir je lako i jeftino. Za njegov uzgoj nije potrebno umjetno gnojivo niti pesticidi (iako ih mnogi poljoprivrednici svejedno koriste).
2. Krumpir je dobar za zdravlje pod uvjetom da ga ne konzumirate u prženom obliku.
3. Krumpir je savršena kultura za uzgoj u siromašnim zemljama. Ova jeftina i hranjiva namirnica raste čak i u lošim klimatskim uvjetima.
4. Krumpir je prva namirnica koja je uspješno uzgojena u svemiru.
5. Po količini fenolnih spojeva krumpir se može takmičiti sa brokulom, špinatom i kelj pupčarom. Flavonoidi koji sadrži krumpir štite od bolesti srca i krvnih žila, bolesti dišnih puteva i raka.
6. Engleski znanstvenici u krumpiru su pronašli poseban sastojak - kukoamin - koji štiti od visokog tlaka.
7. 2008 godina je proglašena godinom krumpira. UN smatra da je krumpir namirnica budućnosti, koja bi mogla suzbiti glad u svijetu.
8. Postoji preko 1000 vrsta krumpira. Krumpir je četvrta najviše uzgajana kultura u svijetu. Ova namirnica se danas koristi u svakom dijelu svijeta.
9. Europljani konzumiraju duplo više krumpira nego Amerikanci.
10. Tokom zlatne groznice u Klondajku krumpir se koristio kao valuta. Krumpir je bio toliko cijenjen zbog visokog sadržaja vitamina C da su ga mijenjali za zlato.
11. Čips od krumpira je najprodavanija zakuska u svijetu.
Nutricionističke karakteristike
- krumpir je jedna od najhranjivijih biljaka u svijetu
- krumpir ima manje kalorija od kruha, riže i tjestenine
- krumpir sadrži više kalija nego banana
- krumpir sadrži više iskoristivog željeza od bilo kojeg drugog povrća
- krumpir sadrži složene zdrave ugljikohidrate i vlakna
- krumpir je dobar izvor vitamina B, magnezija, fosfora i niacina
- krumpir ne sadrži masnoće i kolesterol
- nekoliko krumpira pokriva dnevne potrebne količine vitamina C
Krumpir ne deblja
Fitness gurui su proglasili krumpir namirnicom koja deblja. Tvrde da zbog visokog glikemičkog indeksa i velikog sadržaja škroba krumpir nije pogodan za mršavljenje.
Međutim to nije istina. Provedena su istraživanja o utjecaju krumpira na tjelesnu težinu. Osobe koje su tijekom 6 tjedana svakodnevno konzumirali 7-9 krumpira zapravo se nisu debljale, nego mršavjele!
To se objašnjava time da krumpir izaziva osjećaj sitosti, dok sadrži relativno malo kalorija. (Jedan krumpir u prosjeku sadrži 100-120 kalorija - 2,5 puta manje nego kruh).
Ali ako svakodnevno konzumirate pomfrit ili čips svakako ćete se udebljati, jer ova hrana sadrži puno kalorija zbog velikog udjela masnoća.
Pomfrit nije zdrav!
Kada govorimo da je krumpir zdrav, ne mislimo na pomfrit. Pomfrit je najnezdravija hrana na našem planetu!
1. Pomfrit sadrži velike količine "loših" masnoća, koje povećavaju rizik od srčanog i moždanog udara, debljanja i visokog kolesterola.
2. Zbog prženja u ulju na visokoj temperaturi, pomfrit sadrži akrilamid - poznati kancerogen i neurotoksin. Pretpostavlja se da samo u SAD-u akrilamid uzrokuje nekoliko tisuća slučajeva raka svake godine.
Krumpir kao lijek
Krumpir se koristi ne samo kao hrana, nego i kao lijek. Nekoliko primjera primjene krumpire u svrhe liječenja:
- obloge od kuhanog krumpira koriste se kod reume, gihta, ozeblina
- umivanje sa sokom od krumpira liječi akne, ekcem i mrlje na licu
- obloge od sirovog krumpira koriste se kod vrućice, opekotina, glavobolje
- kora kuhanog krumpira snižava krvni tlak
- kod gastritisa uzima se 1 žlica soka od krumpira 3 puta dnevno prije obroka
Kako napraviti sok od krumpira
Operite i naribajte krumpir, stavite ga u lanenu krpu i stiskanjem iscijedite sok. Sok možete pripremiti i u sokovniku. Koristite uvijek svježe pripremljen sok.
Zbog njegove pristupačne cijene, izvrsnog okusa, hranjivosti i bogatstva nutrijenata, krumpir itekako zaslužuje da ga stavimo na popis super-namirnica, koje su prijatelji našeg zdravlja.
Smoking is the most common addiction in men and women. Prolonged smoking causes serious damage in the body so that smokers are much more frequent oboljevalju of a heart attack, stroke, vascular diseases of respiratory putova.Po latest findings nicotine and other harmful ingredients of cigarettes penetrate into all tissues of the human body and accelerate development of all cancers, not Only cancer of the throat, trachea and lungs.If be added to this yellow teeth and fingers, smell and disturbance of sexual prowess, we should not say that smoking should be terminated immediately! Chewing umbraticis; Anyone who wants to quit but can not doing to his will, to take a piece of dried root iđirota and chew it well, drain the juice and the rest .. This spit out do several times a day when you feel the desire to cigarette.After few days taking a cigarette becomes annoying and the person stops smoking. With Apple chewing roots umbraticis well every day to eat 20 apples in a month .. Apples off the urge to smoke. Juice farferus in trouble in breathing and chronic cough due to smoking helps the juice of fresh leaves farferus.Daily take 2-3 teaspoons of juice or milk to the soup. Water is needed during the day, whenever there is desire for a cigarette, drink a full glass water.Tako the day and to drink 20 glasses.Tweet
Pušenje je najčešća ovisnost kod muškaraca i žena. Dugotrajno pušenje izaziva velika oštečenja u organizmu tako da pušači znatno češče oboljevalju od srčanog infarktamoždanog udara,bolesti krvnih žilai dišnih putova.Po najnovijim saznanjima nikotin i ostali štetni sastojci cigareta prodiru u sva tkiva ljudskog organizma i pospješuju nastanak svih vrsta raka, a ne samo raka grla,dušnika i pluča.Ako se ovome dodaju žuti zubi i prsti,neugodan miris i smetnje spolne moći,ne treba ni reći da s pušenjem treba prestati i to odmah! Žvakanje iđirota; Onaj tko želi prestati s pušenjem a nemože to učinti svojom voljom, treba uzeti suhi komadić korijena iđirota i dobro ga sažvakati,isisati sok a ostatak ipljunuti..Ovo učinite nekoliko puta dnevno kada osjetite želju za cigaretom.Nakon nekoliko dana uzimanje cigarete postaje neugodno i osoba prestaje s pušenjem. Jabuka Uz žvakanje korijena iđirota dobro je svaki dan pojesti 20 jabuka tijekom mjesec dana..Jabuke gase želju za pušenjem. Sok od podbjela Kod smetnji pri disanju i kroničnog kašlja usljed pušenja pomaže sok od svježih listova pobjela.Dnevno uzeti 2-3 čajne žličice soka s juhom ili mlijekom. Voda Potrebno je tijekom dana,kada god dođe želja za cigaretom,popiti punu čašu vode.Tako se na dan popije i do 20 čaša.
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